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HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY !! Yes To Carrots Giveaway

>> Monday, March 1, 2010

Not only do we have a new look but we're ONE YEAR OLD!

That's right, on March 9, Simple Saving Savvy will celebrate her one year blogiversary! But we're gonna celebrate all week long!

All week long you can expect to find special guest posts, great giveaways and lots of new information to help you save more, give more and live intentionally.

So to get this party started...let's talk about carrots and tomatoes and cucumbers and no I'm not talking about gardening. I'm talking about the Yes To family.

If you're unfamiliar with the Yes To family, I'm referring to Yes To Carrots, Yes To Tomatoes and Yes To Cucumbers. These are families of Paraben Free products especially suited to your face, body, hands and hair.

All of the Yes To products combine the fresh, unadulterated goodness of organic fruits and vegetables with the purifying and moisturizing properties of 26 minerals harvested from the ancient world's most renowned spa- the Dead Sea.

Yes To Carrots is a complete family of skin and hair care products that combine the anti-oxidant power of Beta Carotene from orange organic fruits and vegetables, with Dead Sea Minerals. When it comes to natural ingredients, carrots are the best known vegetable source of Beta-Carotene, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps reduce daily damage to your skin and hair. Together with Dead Sea Minerals, Yes To Carrots is the perfect solution for normal to dry skin.

Yes To Tomatoes is a complete family of skin and hair care products uniquely combining red organic fruits and vegetables and Dead Sea Minerals.
In addition to their amazing skin-balancing properties, that gorgeous red color comes from Lycopene, a potent anti-oxidant, excellent at fighting free radicals. Together with Dead Sea Minerals, this special combination not only promotes healthy skin, but also absorbs excess surface oils, perfect for balancing oily/combination skin.

Yes To Cucumbers is a complete family of skin and hair care products combining the refreshing, soothing and calming power of green organic fruits and vegetables, with Dead Sea Minerals. Cucumbers are naturally hydrating, and are a fantastic source of both vitamins C and K. Combined with Dead Sea Minerals, this is a wonderful treat for sensitive skin.

Formulated specifically for three different skin/hair types, there's a family for you! But don't limit yourself to just one family, explore them all as some formulas can be used for all skin types.

I, personally, am an exfoliating nut. I love the Yes To Carrots Gentle Exfoliating Facial Cleanser. It's blended with carrot seed oil, carrot juice, pumpkin, sweet potato and dead sea mud. It's gentle enough to use everyday and I love the clean fragrance.

Today I have THREE Yes To Carrots Travel with C Shower Essentials kits to give away. Each kit contains a trial size bottle of Daily Pampering Shampoo, Daily Pampering Conditioner and Carrot Rich Shower Gel in a fun little pouch that can definitely be reused.
To enter for a chance to win: complete and submit the form below

For two additional entries into this giveaway:

Become a Simple Saving Savvy Facebook Fan

Follow me on Twitter.

Be sure to complete the form for each entry. This giveaway will end on Friday, March 5 at 10pm. Available to US residents only.

Disclosure: Yes To Carrots was not involved with this giveaway. All opinions are mine and were given freely. Information about Yes To Carrots products was taken from their website.


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